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How much more could your business achieve if every employee worked at peak potential?
Are you feeling the pinch of not achieving the results you want? Chances are you’re dealing with some of these issues. Are you:
  • Worried about decreased productivity?
  • Unable to attract good talent?
  • Unsure how to hire the best person for the job?
  • Experiencing high turnover or too much absenteeism?
  • Concerned about employees who are unreliable?
  • Spending too much time on employee/ management conflicts?
  • Uncertain how to motivate and lead your people?
  • Troubled about losing employees to the competition?
  • Apprehensive about your lack of a feedback system?

Imagine the increase in productivity if all your employees were motivated and empowered to use their inherent talents.

Impossible dream? Not at all! The people who work for you are absolutely essential to your company’s success.

There are two keys to increasing revenues:

  1. Hire the right people

  2. Assess your employees and evaluate their processes

Hiring the right people:

If you’ve ever hired someone who didn’t fulfill your expectations, you’re not alone. A nationwide survey found that hiring good people is the number one management issue facing today’s business.

Highly competitive market conditions make it critical for companies to employ and retain the best people. Hiring on gut instinct can be a costly mistake!

Assessing and evaluating your employees:

Once you have the right people, you have to asses them, and put in a system and process to develop them to their fullest potential.

That’s where we can help.

We’re in the assessment business. We work with companies that believe their people are absolutely essential to their success.

We assess people's talents, personalities, skills, behaviors, learning abilities, and occupational interests to help you make intelligent hiring decisions.

Epic Development & Evaluations will help your business:

  • Improve your recruitment and selection process
  • Increase retention of top performers
  • Enhance customer experience
  • Maximize employee potential

Epic Development and Evaluations deliver results. We assess and validate all the phases of your employees, from selecting and hiring, to training, coaching, managing performance, engagement and succession planning.

Through this gathering process, we help you put the right people in the right jobs. Then we process this information to help you coach, train, manage and motive them to greater productivity, higher profitability and increased success.

Would you like a proven method to increase profits, reduce employee turnover, and enhance customer satisfaction?

Call Howard Popliger today: (514) 421-0455

Our guarantee: Always actionable or it’s free!

141 Manuel Drive, Dollard Des Ormeaux, Quebec  H9B 2B3
TEL: (514) 421-0455 / CEL: (514) 983-1466 / FAX: (514) 683-9694
E-mail: info@epicdevelopment.ca

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