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Sales and Sales managements Screenings and Assessments

Hiring sales people who will sell has always been the biggest problem in sales management. How many times have you hired what you thought was a "Tom Cruise" (looks great in a suit; resume is right on; even speaks well) only to find out months later what you had was the sales version of Rodney Dangerfield? No respect and no results either. It is a sad fact that today's fast growing companies spend WAY too much time and money hiring the wrong sales people. Starting the hiring process from scratch wastes time, energy, and thousands of dollars-hundreds of thousands of dollars if you consider your lost opportunity costs.

Mergers, acquisitions, consolidations, government intrusions, personnel issues, litigation, power buying, shrinking margins, and dozens of other issues are roadblocks to the growth that we all must achieve. As you look to the future and recognize that you'll always have issues beyond your control - you must focus on what you can control. One such issue is the need to increase your sales, profits and shareholder value. You can now ascertain whether or not your salespeople have what it takes to grow your company to the level they must. You can determine whether their productivity can be increased and by how much. We urge you to deal with your hiring challenges up front - before they cost you outrageous sums of time and money. Our nationally acclaimed, EEOC compliant evaluation tools are HIGHLY CUSTOMIZED SPECIFICALLY FOR SALES AND SALES MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL.

Express Screenings (for Sales and Management new hire candidates)

This is a hiring tool for sales and sales management candidates. Candidates complete their assessment on-line and results are forwarded to you in minutes, via e-mail. You receive a 10-12-page report detailing your candidate's strengths, skills, weaknesses, hidden weaknesses, attitude/confidence level, Sales Quotient (SQ) and potential for future growth. This critical success factor report will help you quickly disqualify poor candidates, and pinpoint the areas in which hireable candidates will need the most coaching and management to achieve success.

Sales and Sales Management Assessments (for existing personnel)

Can your existing people take your company where it needs to go? Which of your people are capable of producing more? How much more? Learn the truth by having your people complete our nationally acclaimed sales assessment. Remember that these evaluations are CUSTOMIZED FOR SALES AND SALES MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL.

Each individual receives a customized report. You, the executive, receive a Management Overview, which provides a comprehensive and integrated assessment of your sales team. The overview sheds light on what the individual results mean and alerts you to common weaknesses, which could require changes in your hiring criteria. This in depth report suggests how to more effectively manage your team on a daily basis. It indicates who has the most potential for growth (as well as who doesn't and why), how much growth you can expect and the kind of help they'll need in order to achieve that growth.

The Management Overview is a critical collection of strategic information for Presidents and Senior Executives to know what decisions need to be made to produce optimum results.

Top 10 Reasons why Companies Screen Candidates and Evaluate their Sales Force with Epic Development & Evaluations Inc.

  • They want to grow.
  • They don't know whether they have the right sales people or managers to achieve that growth.
  • They need a better understanding of how to effectively manage their people on a daily basis.
  • They don't know why their sales people aren't doing what they themselves can do.
  • They don't know if their sales people are capable of doing more (or how much more).
  • Their company isn't exceeding its goals.
  • Their competition has a better market share.
  • Their margins have been slipping.
  • Their sales people are caught in a "comfort zone".
  • Management is accepting mediocrity from its sales force.

141 Manuel Drive, Dollard Des Ormeaux, Quebec  H9B 2B3
TEL: (514) 421-0455 / CEL: (514) 983-1466 / FAX: (514) 683-9694
E-mail: info@epicdevelopment.ca

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